<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>Only the shortcode helper GPX works, none others


Replies: 5

Hello! I’m trying to add gpx routes. This is the example from the documentation works fine:

[leaflet-map fitbounds][leaflet-gpx src=https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/mapbox/togeojson@master/test/data/run.gpx color=black]

This correctly displays the route, but literally no other GPX file I can find works, including one I’ve uploaded myself. They just show the map with no route after I add the URL.

An example that doesn’t work………

[leaflet-map fitbounds][leaflet-gpx src=http://www.gps-routes.co.uk/A55CD9/home.nsf/All/6FD12A82C922F253802577870033EF6B/$FILE/Offas%20Dyke%20Path.gpx color=black]

I’ve tried many other urls. With and without “”

Any Ideas?

  • This topic was modified 11 hours, 32 minutes ago by C.
  • This topic was modified 11 hours, 31 minutes ago by C.


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