I am just curious as to what you all think?
Yes, I tried asking ChatGPT different questions, asked him/her/it to write me
* a privacy policy
* about me page
* plugin that shows the time on the sidebar based on visitor’s timezone.
* plugins that shows a greeting message on the sidebar based on the visitor’s language.
* a few more basic/simple plugins.
I haven’t tried anything more complicated, or a theme.
So what do you think about a plugin written by ChatGPT (or similar competitors).
Not that I am going to give up on humans by the way.
You don’t need to write your own plugins for these.
Most of these functions are already existing within the available plugins in WP
I haven’t used it myself so take this with a grain of salt… but every time I see a post where someone had chatgpt write a simple plugin it seems to have xss or sqli vulnerabilities.
So my general opinion is that if you are capable of writing the plugin yourself and therefore capable of auditing the code that was written for you then go for it.
Otherwise avoid ai written plugins as a security risk.
It is absolutely incredible what these tools are capable of today, but as far as I have seen they aren’t quite ready for this use case.