Hello, it seems my wordpress site loads a page that i’m not aware i created and it’s not even show in Pages tab.
The story: So i’ve done some SEO tests and it appears that i have underscores in links although i edited the URL slugs and none of them have one anymore. I did a quick run with Screaming Frog SEO Spider and found i have one page that i don’t have in Pages tab but it loads anyway (just an absolutely blank page) with “Page not found” as Chrome tab title. The page is something like [**https://mysite.com/?page\_id=25**]) so yeah it has underscores in it but how could i remove that page if i don’t see it in Pages tab in WordPress Admin UI?
Things i tried: Installing the Health Check plugin (that plugin didn’t detect it anyway)
PS: I don’t have any 404 custom page made, is that maybe the cause? Well, i can’t even edit the page by either the default wordpress editor or elementor.