Very newbe here so please be patient with me.
My website is very simple made up of four static pages where most of the content will be placed. However from time to time I make a regular post like a blog post and I would like all those posts to be shown on also on one static page. I guess we could call this the blog post page. On this page, not the home page will a list of all the latest posts and from there the users can navigate to the full posts
How should I go about doing this?
Thank you
No worries at all!
Go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Pages > Add New, and create a page named “Blog” or whatever you prefer. Then, Go to Settings > Reading in your WordPress dashboard. Under ‘Your homepage displays’, select ‘A static page’. Then, choose the page you created as your ‘Posts page’.
You can leave the content area of your new Blog page empty because WordPress will automatically display your posts there.
WOOO! That’s it.
A slight variation to u/Bitter-Lawfulness-73’s answer: You create a “Blog” page, then navigate to Settings > Reading and set “A static page” for the homepage. Then, below, select your static homepage under “Homepage” and the Blog page we’ve created under “Posts page”. Now your theme will handle the rest, simply link to the Blog page in your menu or wherever.