Hi guys, hope you all having a good time. I’ve made a WordPress store with wocommerce plugin. The products provider gave us plugin which added 3 pages to the store and the products are showing on these pages as intended.
But the problem is that I want to show these products on the home page reflecting theme as well but I don’t see a way except saving some products locally. But I really don’t want to do that. I want to get product data from the page that is showing products or from API(I’m kinda new to it but understands how it works).
Any suggestions to solve this problem is highly appreciated!!!
Is your theme Classic or Block-based?
Classic: use shortcodes [https://woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-shortcodes/#:~:text=None-,%5Bproducts%5D,-Display%20products%20by](https://woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-shortcodes/#:~:text=None-,%5Bproducts%5D,-Display%20products%20by)
Blocks: use the single product block https://woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-blocks-configuration/#single-product
Look for widgets or settings related to “featured products.” If your theme doesn’t have this, there are free plugins like “WooCommerce Products Page List” that can help you showcase your products on the homepage and keep everything dynamic.