Hi, I’m ready to push my staging site online, I just have some important doubts to solve before proceeding with it.
The current website, it has been active for the last 6 years, it’s the website of the company that i work for.
I’m a little bit worried about the SEO, how can I maintain it while I push my staging site live?
The current site uses a DIVI THEME and the new and staging one it’s a Fintheme (wp bakery)
The contents in the staging site for the most parts are going to be different compared to the current site, and i m not sure how to proceed since not all the pages of the current site are in the staging site and viceversa. Same thing for the photos and texts. Regarding the urls of the staging site before pushing it live, do i have change them into the exact same ones of the current one? for example the CONTACT PAGE in the live webiste is for example “assicurazione.it/contacts/ ” while for the staging site is “assicurazioni.it/1705936679417/?page_id=95, do i have to make it equal to the live one?
and last question, all the contents that arent in the staging site, once it goes live, are those one going to be deleted (photos, articles) ?
Thank you for the support, sorry if i havent been very clear I’m just a company guy trying to do my best withouth being fully experienced with the subject.
kind regards.