There was a problem with retrieving your Domain Key. Please click the Waiting for Approval button to retry.
There are two reasons why we might not be able to communicate with your domain::
1) The POST callback to https://MYDOMAIN/wp-json/litespeed/v1/token failed.
2) Our Current Online Server IPs was not allowlisted.
Please verify that your other plugins are not blocking REST API calls, allowlist our server IPs, or contact your server admin for assistance.:
Failed to communicate with QUIC.cloud server: The callback validation to your domain failed. Please make sure there is no firewall blocking our servers. Response code: 503
I have added cloudflare WAF rule to allow all quic.cloud server IPs, I have added all quic.cloud server IPs to wordfence allowlist, I have created firewall rules in openlitespeed server to allow all quic.cloud server IPs, I even disabled ModSecurity but I can’t get a domain key.
Here is my report number NZYFMQPD
What else should I do?
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]