Hey yall, could someone please help me out with this issue i’ve been facing for a while?
I can’t seem to remove the description tab fully without breaking the website, making it collapse on each other. But it’s really ugly to have two big
Under each other on the product page, like okay we get it.
I would love to remove the titles all together and just have the contents of the description under the product. I really need help and I have tried almost every php function on the internet lol.
The one i’m using right now is:
> \* Remove product data tabs
> \*/
>add\_filter( ‘woocommerce\_product\_tabs’, ‘woo\_remove\_product\_tabs’, 98 );
>function woo\_remove\_product\_tabs( $tabs ) {
>**unset( $tabs\[‘reviews’\] );** **// Remove the reviews tab**
>**unset( $tabs\[‘additional\_information’\] );** **// Remove the additional information tab**
>return $tabs;
As you can see, I kept the description itself because it made my website crash, or a better word, collapse.
[This is the problem i’m facing, it’s a dutch website even, so having two seperate languages for the same word is even more annoying.](https://preview.redd.it/bzdy4cuc215d1.png?width=282&format=png&auto=webp&s=640a66dcb6b31b49401226271ccbdf1bb2281f9d)Well. I really hope someone can help me with this, and I surely do hope that it’s not breaking rule 9 “No generic CSS/HTML questions” as this is maybe super easy stuff to figure out if you got more than 2 braincells unlike me.
Oh the theme i’m using is “apparel” a paid theme that you can buy on [wordpress.com](http://wordpress.com)