Hi, Noob here.
I have a site hosted on ChemiCloud which was built using Elementor Pro. I decided to rebuild it from scratch using the Guttenberg editor in .local. My question is, how exactly do I go about replacing the existing site with the newly made one in .local? If anyone can explain it in the way you would explain it to a child, I’d appreciate that.
You go your administrator panel in your hosting and replace your old database with the database of your new site. Then you replace your wordpress files with the new ones. Then you change your settings in your wp.config file with the hosting settings.
depends on whether you have any dynamic data such as a blog that you’d like to keep. if it’s a very basic static site, then you can wipe the old one, and migrate the new one using something like aio wp migration or wpvivid plugins.
If you want to remove your old site and create a new one, simply install a plugin called WP Reset. Then, reset your website using the plugin; this will delete all your website’s content and give you a fresh start. After that, you can begin designing your website with the Gutenberg editor.
Install the plugin all in one wp migrate on both sites. Export on local and import on live site to a BLANK WordPress install.
You may get some things to change such as security certs, images etc.
I have a tutorial for migrating sites here. Just skip step one of downloading the remote site.
The steps are
1. Upload site to new hosting
2. Create new database and database user
3. export local database
4. import database to new hosting
5. Connect to new database in wp-config
6. Search & replace .local url with new url
7. Check for problems