Pretty straightforward issue, and what’s holding me back from buying the pro version. I have created a custom post type called “events” with 3 custom taxonomies, all of which the plugin found. I created the filter sets, ran through all the settings, went to add the shortcode… Nothing. Empty.
I reference this page:
Shortcodes I’ve tried:
– [fe_widget]
– [fe_widget id = "217"]
(edit url says wp-admin/post.php?post=217&action=edit, so I figured maybe that was the ID)
– [fe_chips]
None of them display anything, but interestingly enough, the chips shortcode adds this, depending on if the ID is added:
<ul class="wpc-filter-chips-list wpc-filter-chips-217-1 wpc-filter-chips-217 wpc-empty-chips-container" data-set="217" data-setcount="217-1"> </ul>
OR<ul class="wpc-filter-chips-list wpc-filter-chips--1 wpc-filter-chips- wpc-empty-chips-container" data-set data-setcount="-1"> </ul>
But of course that’s blank too, so nothing displays on the front end. Any solutions?
This is a custom theme running on a local server, so its possible there’s an issue there, but that seems unlikely to be the case given the issue.
Thanks in advance!