Hi guys,
To preface, I am not a Web Developer and have no PHP knowledge, I’m a Sysadmin.
I’m in the process of migrating our Self-Hosted Intranet Site from Joomla to WordPress.
The reason for that is that our Joomla site is super outdated and after updating PHP/Joomla, the Template won’t work anymore, neither will many of the plugins. WordPress seems to have a much bigger community, that’s why we’re going for that.
On our old Site, we used the Joomla Contact Enhanced plugin to display a Staff directory grouped by Department. It was basically a table showing each User/Contact with their Phone number, E-Mail, etc.
I’ve installed ACF on WordPress and created some Custom Fields for the Information, but I have no idea how to actually use those. People just say “Use a custom post type” everywhere, but with no php knowledge it doesn’t seem that easy.
Isn’t there a plugin similar to contact enhanced for WordPress? It just needs to have some simple custom fields and be able to display an employee/user profile page with a Photo as well as a directory of all the users/employees. And optimally a Search box to search for the employees.
Some pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Ive added some Images as an example.
[Directory view for one Department])​
[Single Employee View]) [ad_2]