Some advice needed


Hi everyone, I am seeking your advice.

I know the basics of web development, HTML, CSS, JS and building things with PHP, some OOP and API REST consuming. I’ve been around WordPress 10+years, mainly builders.

I would like to ask for your advice on how to become a better WordPress Developer, this is my take on it.

* Dig deeper into OOP, Laravel type plugins and autoloading.
* Get a clear understanding of WordPress Core, CLI.
* Get into Gutenberg, custom blocks development
* Build a custom theme from scratch, maybe underscores+ACF
* Study plugin Best practices development, get some plugin experiments done with autoloading and PHP libraries, maybe a weather plugin
* Get into some more complex stuff like Roots (dunno if it’s worthy)

I have udemy courses available too so maybe you can point me on the right direction and how much time could it take to become a skilled WordPress developer

I work as WordPress developer but I would like to be more capable, I sometimes hit a wall when complex things are handed to me.

1 Comment
  1. IMO the best block theme (FSE) starter is Frost. With ACF, or native, custom blocks you can build anything you want.


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