(WP page not accessible except to my site registered users FYI)
I installed your plug-in on my multi-site network and activated it on the one subsite in the URL above (only one where I need it for now).
WordPress cron was disabled (set to TRUE) in the summer on the advice of my hosting service in favour of a server level cron. I have just had them check it, they say it is working fine.
Plug-in works well, but does not send email notifications. HOWEVER, if I go to WP-crontrol and manually run the notifications cron event, the messages are sent.
Is there a work-around for this situation?
Lesser concern: also noticed that site admin can send messages to everyone in the multisite, even if they are not registered in the subsite. I accidentally sent a test message to the wrong people. They are all subscribers so can’t block based on user type. Is there a workaround for that? (Not too concerned, the first issue is the main one.)
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]