The plugin is causing a fatal error


Yeah same for me! Please can you tell us how to fix it?

I had this same issue. I found out that if i disabled the Starter Templates plugin from Brainstorm Force it was ok ( for me at least as Im not sure if you have the same plugin installed ) . Obviously short term fix but at least the site works.

I had installed both plugins and I have have been forced to disabl Spectra and the site is working fine now. However, the need to check what might be the issue with the both plugins since they are both owned by Brainstorm Force

Same happened to me. Quick fix for now:

  1. Disable the Spectra plugin via FTP by changing the name of the folder.
  2. Download the older version via this link:
  3. Login via WordPress like usual
  4. Upload the downloaded 2.11.4 version via Plugins page
  5. Activate Spectra 2.11.4
  6. Disable auto-update
  • This reply was modified 32 minutes ago by royhuetink.

Developer published version 2.12.1 that should fix the issue

Indeed version 2.12.1 it has solved the issue.


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