Top tip: display Memcached server data in admin dashboard


To display your Memcached server stats in your WordPress dashboard, you can add this code as a snippets using functions.php or Code Snippets plugin.

Adjust to reflect your actual server.


// Hook into the WordPress dashboard setup action to add our widget
add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'add_memcached_stats_dashboard_widget');

function add_memcached_stats_dashboard_widget() {
    wp_add_dashboard_widget('memcached_stats_dashboard_widget', 'Memcached Stats', 'display_memcached_stats_dashboard_widget');

function display_memcached_stats_dashboard_widget() {
    // Attempt to connect to your Memcached server
    $memcached = new Memcached();
    $memcached->addServer('', 11211);
    $stats = $memcached->getStats();

    // Check if we got stats back
    if (empty($stats)) {
        echo "Unable to fetch Memcached stats.";

    // Assuming $stats is not empty, extract the server stats
    $stats = $stats[$server];

    // Calculate Cache Hit Ratio
    $hitRatio = ($stats['get_hits'] / ($stats['get_hits'] + $stats['get_misses'])) * 100;

    // Calculate Uptime
    $uptime = gmdate("j \D H \H i \M s \S", $stats['uptime']);

    // Display the stats
    echo "<strong>Memcached Server running:</strong> " . esc_html($server) . "<br />";
    echo "<strong>Cache Hit Ratio:</strong> " . number_format($hitRatio, 2) . "%<br />";
    echo "<strong>Uptime:</strong> " . esc_html($uptime) . "<br />";
    echo "<strong>Current Unique Items / Total Items:</strong> " . number_format($stats['curr_items']) . " / " . number_format($stats['total_items']);

// Ensure this PHP code is placed in your theme's functions.php file or a custom plugin.


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