Unable to save, edit and open the pages in WordPress


I am getting this below error while editing and creating new pages and save Updating failed. Error message: The response is not a valid JSON response.

Also when I am trying to open already created pages through user-interface, the addressbar showing the actual url of the page but that page is not opening it throw back to homepage but the addressbar showing the actual page url

and I try these things to solved the problem but nothing is happening: I try to disable the themes and also disbale all the plugin but nothing is happening I also try to recreate the .htaccess, activating new themes also not happening anythings.

I also check in the console of the browser there it is showing the below error: The response is not a valid JSON response.

this is the debug info:Debug

Theme Name: Academica Pro 3.0 Child Is Child Theme: true Theme Version: 1.0 WPZOOM Version: 1.9.20 WordPress Version: 6.6.1PHP Configuration

PHP Version: 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.18 MySQL version: 5.5.5 Max Execution time (seconds): 300 Upload Max Filesize: 10G Post Max Size: 10G Max Input Time (seconds): 60 Max Input Vars: 3000 Memory Limit: 1024M Display Errors: truePHP Extensions

Suhosin: Disabled Curl: Enabled SOAP: EnabledPlugins

  1. Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection 5.3.3 akismet/akismet.php
  2. All-In-One WP Business Hours 1.12.0 all-in-one-wp-business-hours/index.php
  3. CAPTCHA 4WP 7.5.0 advanced-nocaptcha-recaptcha/advanced-nocaptcha-recaptcha.php
  4. Catch Sticky Menu 1.7.4 catch-sticky-menu/catch-sticky-menu.php
  5. Classic Editor 1.6.4 classic-editor/classic-editor.php
  6. Classic Widgets 0.3 classic-widgets/classic-widgets.php
  7. Contact Form 7 5.9.8 contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php
  8. Easy Custom Sidebars 2.0.1 easy-custom-sidebars/easy-custom-sidebars.php
  9. Events Manager 6.5.2 events-manager/events-manager.php
  10. Flamingo 2.5 flamingo/flamingo.php
  11. Listo 1.8 listo/listo.php
  12. Max Mega Menu 3.3.2 megamenu/megamenu.php
  13. MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress 4.9.15 mailchimp-for-wp/mailchimp-for-wp.php
  14. MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress Premium 4.10.3 mc4wp-premium/mc4wp-premium.php
  15. Newsletter 8.4.9 newsletter/plugin.php
  16. Newsletter – Addons Manager and Support 1.3.2 newsletter-extensions/extensions.php
  17. Newsletter – Archive 4.1.5 newsletter-archive/archive.php
  18. Newsletter – Automated Newsletters 4.7.4 newsletter-automated/automated.php
  19. Newsletter – Autoresponder 1.5.7 newsletter-autoresponder/autoresponder.php
  20. Newsletter – Bounce Addon 1.3.1 newsletter-bounce/bounce.php
  21. Newsletter – Contact Form 7 4.4.2 newsletter-cf7/cf7.php
  22. Newsletter – Extended Composer Blocks 1.5.5 newsletter-blocks/blocks.php
  23. Newsletter – Forms 1.1.3 newsletter-forms/forms.php
  24. Newsletter – Import/Export 1.5.2 newsletter-import/import.php
  25. Newsletter – Instasend (BETA) 1.0.3 newsletter-instasend/instasend.php
  26. Newsletter – Locked Content Addon 1.1.9 newsletter-lock/lock.php
  27. Newsletter – Office 365 Headers Removal 1.0.6 newsletter-office365/office365.php
  28. Newsletter – Reports and Retargeting 4.5.9 newsletter-reports/reports.php
  29. Newsletter – Subscribe on Comments 1.1.8 newsletter-comments/comments.php
  30. Newsletter – The Events Calendar Addon 1.3.5 newsletter-tribeevents/tribeevents.php
  31. ReCaptcha v2 for Contact Form 7 1.4.7 wpcf7-recaptcha/wpcf7-recaptcha.php
  32. Sticky Menu (or Anything!) on Scroll 2.33 sticky-menu-or-anything-on-scroll/sticky-menu-or-anything.php
  33. Subjectsplus Shortcodes 0.1 spshortcode/subjectsplus.php
  34. Tawk.to Live Chat 0.8.6 tawkto-live-chat/tawkto.php
  35. Temporary Login Without Password 1.8.3 temporary-login-without-password/temporary-login-without-password.php
  36. WP Accessibility Helper 0.6.3 wp-accessibility-helper/wp-accessibility-helper.php
  37. WP Activity Log 5.1.0 wp-security-audit-log/wp-security-audit-log.php
  38. WP Crontrol 1.17.0 wp-crontrol/wp-crontrol.php
  39. WPForms Lite wpforms-lite/wpforms.php
  40. WPFront Scroll Top 2.2 wpfront-scroll-top/wpfront-scroll-top.php
  41. WP Mail SMTP 4.1.1 wp-mail-smtp/wp_mail_smtp.php
  42. WPZOOM Forms 1.2.2 wpzoom-forms/wpzoom-forms.php
  43. WPZOOM Instagram Widget & Block 2.1.18 instagram-widget-by-wpzoom/instagram-widget-by-wpzoom.php
  44. Year-Month Archive Widget 1.0 Collapsing-archive-custom/Year-Month-Archive-Widget.php


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