Upload file Bitnami WordPress to .well-known served through application/json


I just start using Bitnami WordPress for Apache and I am having trouble implementing Password Autofill for iOS: [https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/supporting-associated-domains])

In a nutshell, a file called apple-app-site-associationshould be available from a .well-knowndir on a domain:

https://<fully qualified domain>/.well-known/apple-app-site-association

**served with** **application/json**

The thing is, that almost every tutorial I come across has been outdated. Take [Config apple-app-site-association file with WordPress]) for example. They are talking about paths like /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl, but I don’t have a /etc/apache dir.

I am connected to the server over SFTP. I see that my root dir is /home/bitname/. Inside that, I see a stackdir which contains the wordpress dir. I upload a file to this dir and I can download it instantly from my domain. But when I create a new .well-knowndir and put the file inside there, I can not reach this following domain:

https://<fully qualified domain>/.well-known/apple-app-site-association

I restarted Apache like this:

sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart apache

And it doesn’t work. Any suggestions?



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