What is the actual secret for a fast website?


When I look for that many things come up like,

1- Image optimization(my image sizes go from 100kb to 200kb mostly at 150kb)
2- Don’t use page builder(though I saw websites that uses Elementor that really fast)
3- Use cache plugins (I saw multiple people vote against it in this sub)
4- Use Cloudflare

As you can see my site is getting B in GTmetrix sometimes it get C.

sorry for asking this question but there is no clear answer for this.



  1. If you click on the waterfall tab, it tells you why your site is slow down to the exact piece of javascript.

  2. Like others have said, that report has more details if you scroll down, and the CDN is great especially for static sites, but a faster server is also good (especially for dynamic content).

  3. Don’t use elementor, or divi or wp bakery if you want a fast website.

    Bricks, Oxygen or Breakdance are fast page builders.


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