What’s the strangest or most unexpected issue you’ve faced while using WordPress, and how did you resolve it?


The issues can be related to plugins, themes, or just WordPress in general. How did you troubleshoot and resolve the problem afterward?

  1. Think the toughest issue to debug are plugins that hit a 3rd party url and timeout, causing a nasty delay in the page loading.  Answer is profiling, but early on I put a wrapper on all php functions that called out and spit them out in debugger.  Kind of amazing to see all the junk plugins call.  

  2. The most memorable one was when a simple file require was resulting in strange and completely unrelated output. One of those sanity-wobbling this-can’t-be-happening bugs, because it’s not even a code that has any logic or whatever to fail.

    In a bit I stripped file to nothing and was still getting output, so it finally clicked that I am getting the wrong file, even if I don’t understand why or how.

    It was down to how PHP processes includes – it will check include path, then calling script directory (!!!), then working directory. And calling script directory happened to be WordPress core and happened to have a core file with that exact name.

    Always use absolute paths for includes, folks.


This site will teach you how to build a WordPress website for beginners. We will cover everything from installing WordPress to adding pages, posts, and images to your site. You will learn how to customize your site with themes and plugins, as well as how to market your site online.

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