I have a WordPress website for my company, and being still a beginner with this tool, I’ve avoided using some of the more complex features until now. I’d like to add a “job board” section to display all the company’s job offers. I’m wondering whether it would be more advantageous (both financially and in terms of complexity/time ratio) to buy a WordPress theme specially designed for job boards or simply install dedicated plugins ?
If you want to put money in this, I think it’s better to buy a plugin and opt for a free theme compatible with it. Otherwise, there are also free job offer management plugins with candidates registration, centralization of applications, etc.
A plugin would be a cheap and simple solution. I’d recommend looking up form plugins that make job boards. You should get good options right away. Then it’s a matter of just adding details and the tool will present your details in a job-board fashion and your problem’s solved.