I was helping out a family member with their website (vondrellleadership.com) and part of my task was to reduce the size of the website to under 20 gb. I found that in the public_html folder there were a bunch of old files so I downloaded it and deleted the obsolete files. I renamed the original "public_html" folder to "public_html_OLD" and went to upload the revised folder but hostgator won't allow me to reupload the folder as it maxes out uploads at 500 mb. So I went back and changed the name of the original back to public_html, but now the site isn't working and I don't know what I did.
Can anyone please help me figure out how to get the site back online? I have a back up of the original public_html folder on my local machine if that helps, but I'm not sure what went wrong or how to fix it.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Go into the cPanel and see if there’s an app called JetBackup. If so revert everything back the way it was before you started.
Yet not to delete things unless you know what you’re doing.
The best way to look for things is they terminal and finding the largest folders. You can also check in cPanel