With native WordPress, you need to upload the image to media library, then WordPress will automatically generate different size thumbnails, and you can specify the uploaded image as featured image.
Is there a way to generate different sizes thumbnails externally then hosting the images in a external server and use the external image URLs as featured images for WordPress posts? Ideally setting it through wp cli as I am currently creating posts with cli
There are a couple of S3 Offload plugins that basically do this eg the images are generated in WP, then offloaded [https://themedev.net/next3-offload/](https://themedev.net/next3-offload/), [https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-offload-media/](https://deliciousbrains.com/wp-offload-media/)
There’s also nothing stopping you from creating content and inserting images with external URLs. If you’re wanting thumbnails, you’d need to generate those with a script.