<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>wrong email adress error since update


Replies: 3


we updated today the plugin and it seems that it brake something. Users cant subcribe anymore through the subscription form. They always get this error:


also we have issues with old newsletter post links.

E.g: zfw.rub.de/?nltr=Mjc7MztodHRwczovL3pmdy5ydWIuZGUvbmV1LWltLWZvcnRiaWxkdW5nc3BvcnRhbC1sZWhyZW4tbGVybmVuLWJhc2ljcy1mdWVyLWRpZS1tb2Rlcm5lLWhvY2hzY2h1bGxlaHJlLzs7ZGExMGRhZGY3YmRiODY0ZGVkNTc3MDNmMWQ0MGU1ZjU%3D

creates this error message:

again invalid link.

Any quick help is highly appreciated!


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