1st experience dealing with a white screen whne normally i see login for backend /wp-admin
Plugin issue?
-Start with oauth related plugins?
Thanks Community
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It’s usually a sign of a PHP error or memory limit issue. You’re on the right track suspecting a plugin issue, and OAuth plugins could definitely be a culprit. Access your WordPress files via FTP or your hosting’s file manager, navigate to `wp-content/plugins`, and rename the `plugins` folder to something like `plugins_backup`. This will disable all plugins. If the issue resolves, rename the folder back and start activating plugins one by one to find it. If it’s not a plugin, it could be a theme issue. Try switching to a default WordPress theme (like Twenty Twenty-Three) via the database or by renaming your active theme folder in `wp-content/themes`. Sometimes the white screen is caused by a lack of memory. You can try increasing the memory limit by editing your `wp-config.php` file
`define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);`
If none of the above works, re-upload the WordPress core files (except `wp-content`) to rule out any corrupted files.
Hopefully this will help, Good luck!
Helps tremendously
Enable debugging. https://developer.wordpress.org/advanced-administration/debug/debug-wordpress/ there is no need to rename your plugin directory.