- Also posted in r/BricksBuilder
Hi all,
I have been freelancing WordPress websites part time for the last couple of months and it’s been going really great so far! Bricks has been working really well for me, found it very quick and easy to use but as you know, takes some time to build a solid website.
My current strategy has been working great, cold calling small businesses in construction and tradesmen, charging €800-1000 for 6-7 page websites with a designer mocking the essential pages for €200-300.
I have been building all the designs in Bricks from scratch but now I am looking into streamlining the building process in the adoption of a template/components library.
I have quickly looked into some of them, bricks library, bricks templates, bricks plus, get frames with ACSS.
Is this a good path to explore to take my side business to the next level? What library would you recommend?
Frames + ACSS or Bricksmaven (also compatible with ACSS).
if you already have acss, then your best bet is to get something that utilizes the bem structure: frames, bricksmaven, brixies, etc.