I am trying to create a website for my business. The business is not to be properly launched for another year or so. It is supposed to be a cybersecurity consultancy service. I just need to put up a temporary website that looks fine so that I could build online presence. I don’t have that much of a budget as I am currently a student in a third world country. I am looking to spend over 70 to 100 USD max. I was looking into the Vaximo theme. I found the demos to be exactly what I wanted. I do have IT proficiency so hosting and deploying wouldn’t be a problem . But I am new to the WordPress scene and not exactly sure what buying a theme entails in terms of the design. Would I be able to build a website displayed like in the demo using the theme(lets say one click and some further edits) or does it require sourcing each individual picture and supporting graphics for the pages and putting them into the website (maybe due to copyright issues).
Another option would be to hire a freelancer for 100 USD to build the website. But I am worried that they would be using nulled themes and nulled plugins to build the website which I am strictly against and which I don’t want. What do you guys think would be the preferred option?