I would like to change the word address on the email for submissions that you get. I cannot add an image since I dont have a link to it but in the email it looks like this (but in my language):
You got a new request:
- choose a service (this is the label) – moving
- Date moving (this is the label) – 2024-12-13
- Address – Move from (this is the label) – Storgatan 1
- Address – Move to (this is the label) – Storgatan 2
I need to either change the address or remove it. I have this added from a first form that I have just the addresses and then the second form with more questions and then submit.
I have tried with some solutions but none that works. Also tried adding loco translate but no file for frominator was found. Have also asked WPMUdev but the solutions I got did not work and have asked again now but maybe someone here knows.
Anybody have a solution?
Thank you!
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]