Directory website on WordPress

Hi guys I’m trying to build a directory site on WordPress with directorist.

Can’t find much help online so I figured I ask if anyone has ever tried one and if there’s any advice of pitfalls I should avoid before starting?

It’s basically free but users can pay to get their stuff featured.

Also I’m wondering since everything is user generated what happens if someone tried to post like porn images , is there a way to mitigate this

  1. Yep the big one you’re going to hate and will drop directorist right quick is when you figure out the hard way you have to manually list allllllll your categories. It’ll let you add as many as you want but you’re going to do it one item at a time.

    No bulk adding anything. If your category, say, is vehicle makes and you have a list of 60, you’re typing each one one at a time.

    They are out of their minds.

    Try advanced classifieds & directory pro plugin. It’s pretty nifty. Use a plugin called BulkPress and BulkPress Export. They’re kind of outdated but you can delete them after you add your bulk category lists. I use PODS to create the taxonomies and BulkPress to drop in the lists. Or export them as needed. The suggested plugin does work with bulkpress and category lists.

    Directorist looks cool and if they weren’t so daft about the common sense requirement to be able to add bulk lists I’d use it instead. If you have multiple directories with multiple categories and multiple subcategories, directorist isn’t gonna cut it.

    I would absolutely strongly encourage you to not make it free. It’s not just bad crazy people and scammers, it’s also bots, ai generated stuff coming up, they will swarm your forms and wreck it from the inside out.

    There is no real effective way to prevent it if you set any sign up option to free. It’s the way of the internet.

    I don’t have details other than what you wrote so not sure what your model is. I am sure that if you have an open sign up form, your entire project will be overrun with that garbage before you know it.

    Maybe find a different model with no free accounts. I’ve decided on that route for my ventures and have spent a year fleshing out the membership strategy for paid memberships exclusively and no free accounts.

    Contrary to the social media stuff, just because the internet has gotten used to getting it all for free doesn’t mean you have to pander to it. They have no skin in the game, which is why all the venues are toxic cesspools of horse shit. Paid, premium membership or access means they got skin in the game…and that’s when they become custodians of the game and won’t wreck your site 🙂

  2. If you are worried about people posting anything inappropriate, you should disable the auto publish. What you need to do is, users submit their listing> You review it manually> you publish it.


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