Hi, I hope this is in the appropriate place. I've just had a website designed for me in WordPress, I'm way behind schedule in starting my own business and instead of carrying on with my domain supplier, I was hoping to somehow download my website in its entirety with all it's addons/plugins etc etc. Is this possible? Is there an easy way of doing it? Like buying a program that does it? The cheaper the better really. Thank you for any advice that you can give me.🤞🙏
What exactly do you want to do? I can offer this to you as a service.
What exactly do you want ?
– you want to make the same website design with all the content to a new domain ?
– you want to just backup everything on a drive or something
For former you can do it by migrating website, ask you hosting providers they will help for free
For later you can do by downloading a backup plugin like updraft
**All-in-One WP Migration** should do the work