Hi, a friend asked for help with his site.
He has one „http:“ string there, and Firefox labels the site as partitial unsecure.
So I wanted to change this to „https:“. Sounds easy 🙂
But I´m not able to find the place to change it. I searched his WP directory by „string locator“ plugin -> no content found.
A database search for this string returns the table: „wwii_options
He uses the newest WP, and „make“ as theme.
The site code contains the „http:“ string within this inline style:
<!– Begin Make Inline CSS –>
<style type=“text/css„> button,.ttfmake-button,input[type=“button“],input[type=“reset“],input[type=“submit“],.site-main .gform_wrapper .gform_footer input.button{font-size…
Does one has a hint, where I could look for it? Any hint is welcome, I´m not deep in WP customizing…
Thanks for help!