geodirectory as a job board: employer and applicant dashboard + file upload form



we think of using geodirectory as a job board plugin with the new job board theme. the applicants should have to apply just via embedded form.

  1. we hang some hours now into the test environment with the job board theme, but we couldnt figure out what would be the best way (or the only way?!) to have the applicants who applied via form displayed in the employers dashboard under the right job with all data the applicant sent with?
    the employer should also be able to manage the applicants there (mark as checked/called/whatever, delete, send mail, whatever…)

    yes, we noticed that we can use a custom ninjaforms form as contact form (=apply form) and then display the ninjaform submissions in the user (=employer) account. but thats just the pure data without any functions.

vice versa: in the same way the user should see his applications (sure only when logged in) in his dashboard.

is geodirectory made for this? are there any plugins that can do this?


2. isnt there really any possibility to add a file upload field to the own contact form from geodirectory? do we have to use ninjaforms for this without alternative?

thank you!


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