How do I completely nuke my old sitemap and generate a new one?

My site got hacked so right now when I go to []), I see lots of hacked and spammy URLs like this in the sitemap.xml: 9n3siphonophorangc5z9narxh2002331

And they’re in thousands!

I want to remove this sitemap and generate a new one that consists of only the pages and posts created by me, how do I do that?

So far I’ve tried the followings:

* Removing sitemap from GWB tool (I know this wont work but still)
* Disable sitemap from Yoast and then enable
* Adding ” add\_filter( ‘wp\_sitemaps\_enabled’, ‘\_\_return\_false’ );” in functions.php

Nothing worked so what’s the next step I should try?

Once again, all i want is to get rid of my current sitemap and then generate a new, fresh one.


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