It depends very much on how you have used Elementor. If you have only used it to design templates, you should have already stored the content in the block editor. Then switching to a different theme would probably not be a problem.
However, if you have also stored your content in Elementor, you will not be able to avoid creating new content. You should be able to find out more about this in the Elementor support forum, as they know their formats much better:
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Many thanks for your response. I’m not sure exactly what I did with Elementor at the outset, it just seemed a good idea at the time, (In my innocence) but at the end of the day I simply want to delete/remove Elementor now. I think I’ll just do that & replace any content I lose. If I do. I do have another site with Elementor similarly installed, which I’m phasing out so losing content was unimportant, & I had no issues removing it yesterday.
I think you’ve answered my question & put mind at rest about any unforseen problems going ahead, so thanks again,