I wanted a custom WordPress theme and ended up writing the world’s ugliest theme generator that runs entirely in your browser


So I wanted custom WordPress themes for some sites and ended up writing the world’s ugliest theme generator that runs entirely in your browser without any servers, APIs, or mailing list sign-ups. What I’m saying is: it’s free. Even the generator itself: free.

This actually started as an experiment to play with the streaming downloads functionality in browsers in order to make a ZIP archive of files, entirely using JavaScript and data URIs – but somebody already made a cool plug-in for that. PHP is a pain to develop in and I wanted to write JavaScript that would write the PHP for me. (technically, I wrote JavaScript that writes PHP that writes HTML, but who’s countin?)

**So here ya go – unlimited free (ugly) themes for the world!**

Let me know what you think. I just started the project and it is a work in progress – these themes are not suitable for a production site but are minimally functional and use bootstrap and Google fonts. (It’s open source on GitHub if you understandably don’t trust the above link to one of my development sites: [https://github.com/nothingisnecessary/wp-themegen-js])

The really fun part is when you expand the Custom Theme Options and Show the Preview, then you can randomize the theme and see different crazy combos of fonts and colors.

So here you go world, another useless tool that nobody needs.. but I learned how to make WordPress themes in the process, and maybe you can use these as a starting point for your own. Or just entertain yourself for hours with the random name and color and font generator.

(And yeah, I did this before I stumbled onto underscores.. but do they have a cool randomizer?? I think not.)


This site will teach you how to build a WordPress website for beginners. We will cover everything from installing WordPress to adding pages, posts, and images to your site. You will learn how to customize your site with themes and plugins, as well as how to market your site online.

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