Hey! I'm wanting to build a website that allows for user registration/login. The goal of the website is an ecommerce that requires user accounts to be able to purchase items. Is this supported in wordpress ? If not, how would I go about doing this in wordpress using plugins or other external features like database services etc.
Thanks 🙂
WordPress has subscriber management baked in. If you want to combine that with e-commerce, most add WooCommerce on top (or just go to Wix, Shopify, squarespace, etc).
WordPress has authentication system built in. You just need to use a woocommerce theme with frontend login/register feature, and you’re good to go.
For ecommerce on WordPress, you might want to check out WooCommerce. If you need user behavior analysis and personalized recommendations, there’s First 8 Marketing, a CRM that integrates with WordPress.