I only have 1 form and I keep getting so much spam through WordPress. I use zoho email and I am blocking people and using filters but I KEEP GETTING THE SAME PEOPLE. How are ya'll battling these evil spam people? I downloaded clean talk plug in just now… has that worked?
UPDATE: Ok so clean talk works its blocking the spam. I am so happy cuz the spammers were soooooo irritating.
reCaptcha, Turnstile, hCatpchta, honeypots, etc.
Akismet plugin – the free account seems to work.
Cleantalk should do the job. It isn’t free though.
Build my own forms and spammers don’t recognize them as well as the 100,000 other forms built by the same plugins
Recaptcha fixes it. You just have to plug it into the form plugin that you are using.
Cloudflare with bot protection and geo blocking will do the trick! Geo block (or challenge) Asia, Africa, South America and Tor. Maybe add a captcha in there for good measure as well!
UPDATE: OMG guys ok Clean talk is working since i downloaded it 30 mins ago 11 people alr tried to spam me but cleantalk blocked them omg I am so happy!!!
Cleantalk is the bomb.
Zoho Emails has borderline zero filtering consider using a proper email hosting platform
WP Armour might help a bit!
Turnstile is free. If you are still getting spam, use OOPSpam plugin.
I recommend Cloudflare Turnstile. It’s free.