My cousin has an air conditioning business and stuff related to cooling, he has 180 pictures of work he wants to showcase, the pictures are low quality because they were taken by his mobile phone and nothing special really, have you ever seen an air conditioning photo? So you're not missing out, but he needs to showcase his work. The images aren't optimized for the web and I don't particularly think I have the time to optimize them.
The website is one page website because an airconditioning business doesn't have much to say. The website uses Guttenburg and no other page builder or special theme, just one of those free themes out there.
I want a WordPress gallery plugin that is compatible with Guttenburg, I can drag and drop it into the page, it has to support lazy loading because there are 180 images, it has to have some layout that looks good when displaying such big number of images.
Ideally, I need to put it on that single page at the bottom, it has to have some smooth navigation or something, and effects that can make silly pictures look good. Let's stay away from popups and those old jquery image galleries, 90% of users are mobile users, those things never looked good on Desktop, let alone on mobile, I used to do better than them in 2005.
I'd like for it to be free or a one-time cheap cost, because I'm doing this for free for him, I don't want a premium super cool plugin. Just something simple that can handle 180 in a cool way with lazy loading.
The images don't necessarily have to open in full page mode, because I don't think anyone would want to look at an air conditioning unit that much, it's not a Picasso painting, it's more like someone is having a quick look at the work done.