I want to create a website where people can make an account, and then when they log in, they can check certain information pertaining just to them. This is not a paid service and doesn't need any recurring membership fees. For example, let's say it's for movies. People could create an account, input all the movies they have seen, what movies they would like to see, etc. and when they log back in, they can check all that data and update it.
I'm not having luck googling things like "wordpress membership page" or "Wordpress login". I just get a lot of info about the actual login screen or setting up paid memberships.
try buddypress plugin
I can recommend the best approach for this website if you give more details. Is it only movies you are trying to get people to input?. Or you want other information to be displayed on the members only page?
Based on this information, I think we’ll need to do some custom WordPress coding, add some meta boxes and meta fields in user detail page and create a custom template for the user page.
I would love to know the use case of this website too.
Maybe we can jump on a call and discuss it?