‘meta’ field on messages | WordPress.org

Thank you again for the added hooks.

I’ve noticed the message objects appear with the field ‘meta’ always empty when I use the new hook:

      wp.hooks.addFilter('better_messages_single_message_class', 'custom_action', function (classes, message) {
            console.log( message ); // Here you can get message object
            classes += ' msg-custom';
            return classes; // Processing to default click event

I’m sending a message programmatically like this:

$args = array(
			'sender_id'  => $sender_id,
			'thread_id'  => $thread_id['thread_id'],
			'recipients' => $recipient_id,
			'subject'    => '',
			'content'    => '<span class="donation-msg">' . $message . '</span>', //'<span class="donation_client">(' . $amount. ')</span><span class="donation_subs">(' . $share. '€)</span>',
			'meta'		 => array('donation'),
			'meta_data'	 => array('donation' => abs($amount)),
			'date_sent'  => bp_core_current_time(),
			'return'	 => 'message_id'

$message_id = Better_Messages_Functions()->new_message( $args );

I see that in the public function new_message in ./inc/functions.php, it is creating the object BM_Messages_Message and then setting its ‘meta’ field to the one in $args passed to the function: $message->meta = $r['meta'];. However, I’m not seeing this field declared inside the BM_Messages_Message class.

Maybe the reason the field ‘meta’ comes out always empty in the browser console, is because it’s not declared yet in the BM_Messages_Message class?

Thank you.


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