no wrapping but still custom css inline styles added


Just for reference, i am using custom css classes defined in general settings under block class name. But, I don’t use any default wrappings (following the naming conventions though like lazysense-3 for 3rd ad unit) because I need to add custom classes such as ‘alignwide’ to the ad units. So, does this line affect me? As I might use client-side detection.

Please note that many client-side functions like tracking, client-side device detection, client-side GEO targeting can’t work without a wrapping div.

<div class="lazysense lazysense-3 alignwide">
<ins class="adsbygoogle"
     style="display:block; text-align:center;"

But coming to the main issue for this thread -> As it can be seen I’ve not added any inline-styles here or any other ad unit not mentioned here. But all of them have some inline-styles like height:auto!important;

This code in particular appears at the start of the post and only it has more custom inline styles bothering me: width:100%;height:auto;

I tried to change the wrapping div to:

<div class="lazysense lazysense-3 alignwide" style>
<div class="lazysense lazysense-3 alignwide" style="">
<div class="lazysense lazysense-3 alignwide" style="width:unset;">

But all of them serve no difference. The inline styles are immutable and I don’t know where they come from. I guess because they are inline, they are not added by any other plugin or theme or any javascript code.


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