Hi everyone, I have a problem with a WordPress site. I must somehow increase its performance and optimise it, but I don’t know what to do anymore.
Here is the link to the page: https://dev.illpumpyouup.com/
I tried to use caching plugins, to optimise images and defer scripts, but nothing pretty much helped.
I know that it uses php 7.8, but cant upgrade it to latest version, because it breaks the website.
Here is the link to pagespeed and gtmetrix:
>I must somehow increase its performance and optimise it, but I don’t know what to do anymore.
Start by reading the reports you just linked. They straight up tell you what the problems are and give suggestions on how to fix.
It sounds like you just need to redo the website if you cannot upgrade to PHP 8.2
You’re trying to put make up on a pig at this point. You’re going to spend more time trying to fix problems then it would take to just rebuild the website.
Are your plugins and theme up-to-date? Also read what PageSpeed site is telling you what might be causing any speed issues.
I don’t think upgrading to a newer version of PHP would help you increase the number as much as you’d expect.
Can you try something like Autooptimize and enable Lazyloading? Also, minifying your JS and CSS files?
I’ve run Lighthouse from Chrome and I’m getting a score of 51, compared to Pagespeed Insights (31). So reaching the perfect score might not be worth it. For me, your site loads in about three seconds, out of which it takes half of the time to get a response from the server. (Based in Serbia)
Add CDN and Redis cache if possible and make it load snappy for you.
> *can’t upgrade php because the site breaks*
First rule of WordPress is don’t use old software. You’ll be hacked before your site even goes live.