Hi, reinstalation or even the deletion of the plugin does not deletes your contacts, so check the subscriber management panel an, in particular, the search filter, or the subscriber statistics panel to have an overview. If nothing is of help, you should check the database for the table wp_newsletter (wp_ is a prefix, it can be different in your blog). If that table is not present, you probably reinstalled the whole blog from an incomplete backup or the database has been cleaned up. Let me know your findings so I can help further.
Wow. You made my day. I love you.
They are all there. The search filter was accidentally filled out with a person. Unfortunately I was in a bit of a panic.
Ich habe noch eine Frage: Wie kann ich double-opt-in in der Free-Version einstellen? Ich finde die Einstellung nicht. Danke.
I have one more question: How can I set double opt-in in the free version? I can’t find the setting. Thanks.