Hi, i want to migrate a 20 page / 80 blog post Wix site to a new WordPress installation (shared hosting) without doing too much heavy lifting myself. Can anyone recommend a tool or process (paid or not) that can facilitate this action? I read articles saying RSS is the best way… is that a generally accepted in the community to cut the cord with Wix. Is there a Duplicator tool or service anyone knows of?
It’s possible you could get away with some type of importer for RSS feeds but that’s only going to bring in the content not necessarily the ‘pages’ themselves that has more to do with the theme you are using in WP.
Also the builder in Wix and ones available in WP are not compatible so that’s another thing you’ll have to work around.
More than likely you’re going to need at least some development work to get everything just how you want it. It won’t be crazy expensive but it won’t necessarily be cheap either.
For the pages, there’s no way to migrate them. You’ll have to re-develop them on your new site.