Hi! I manage the website https://motomaxjagodina.rs, in Serbian, and I'm having trouble uploading product images to the site. Every time I try to upload a new product image, I get a notification that there was an error during the upload. Also, I can't view the gallery of previous images. The issues started when the company that uses the website took over uploading products from their computer. They say the photos are in the root directory but the upload of the photos is not allowed. I have active plugins that enable products and the gallery. Could you please tell me what the issue might be and how to fix it? I attached to this message a screenshot of the plugins I'm using. Maybe some changes are needed there, or it's something else? Please help! Thank you!
You’d need to look at the error logs for a more specific error message. It looks like WordPress is feeding you the generic error message so it could be anything from.
Incorrect permissions
Out of disk space
File upload too big
Doesn’t like the file type
Or any number of other things
You certainly shouldn’t be uploading to the root directory though