Retaining url filter help


I have a WordPress site where information is contained in tables. The site is built using ACF in a template. The template contains an ACF field for the table shortcode.

The tables can be filtered either in the table short code or in the url of the page where the table is contained. I also use a favourites plugin to display pages that are favourited on a favourite page. However the favourites page only displays the url of the pages without the filter. I need to display with the filter so that the filters are retained for the user to view the page at a later date.
I can use shortcode in the favourites plugin settings to display custom fields and this works for other ACf fields such as name, description etc.significantly, It also displays the table short code from the ACf field with filters retained.
In order to display the url with filters I created a short code to obtain the current short code if the url and then I created an ACf field to display the current url short code. This works well on the website pages – the field displays the current url with filters on the page. Then I attempted to display the ACf field shortcide that displays the current url on the favourites page. But whatever I try it just does not display anything.
Any suggestions or anything obvious to try instead?
The other idea I had was to somehow utilise the table shortcode. The table shortcode displays the table name and other info and then the bits that are used in the url as filters. Essentially I would need to cut off the first bit of the table short code somehow and append the balance to the url (so that the table is filtered). Creative ideas on how to achieve this?



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