Select dependent with multi-select |


Hello, i have implemented this codesnippet to create a dependent select and it works; however i would like to implement multi-select. Any idea yo solve it? I tried but it disable the filter!

// Filter to initialize the second select (lessons) as empty
add_filter('fluentform/rendering_field_data_select', function ($data, $form) {
if ($form->id != 91) {
return $data;

// If it's the second select (lessons), we initialize it empty
if (\FluentForm\Framework\Helpers\ArrayHelper::get($data, '') == 'lesson_select') {
$data['settings']['advanced_options'] = []; // Initially empty the options

return $data;
}, 10, 2);

// AJAX handler to load lessons based on the selected course
add_action('wp_ajax_update_lesson_select', 'update_lesson_select');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_update_lesson_select', 'update_lesson_select');

function update_lesson_select() {
// Verify and get the course ID
$selected_course_id = intval($_POST['selected_course_id']);
if (!$selected_course_id) {
wp_send_json_error('Invalid course ID');

// Get the lessons that belong to the selected course
$lessons = get_posts([
'post_type' => 'sfwd-lessons',
'meta_query' => [
'key' => 'course_id', // Make sure this meta field exists and links lessons to courses
'value' => $selected_course_id,
'compare' => '='
'numberposts' => -1

// Check if lessons were found
if (empty($lessons)) {
wp_send_json_error('No lessons found for the selected course');

$options = [];
foreach ($lessons as $lesson) {
$options[] = [
'label' => $lesson->post_title,
'value' => $lesson->ID

// Send options as the AJAX response

// Add JavaScript to the footer to handle the change in the course select
add_action('wp_footer', function() {
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// Change in the course select
$('select[name="course_select"]').on('change', function() {
var selectedCourseId = $(this).val();

// AJAX request to update the lesson select
url: '<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>',
method: 'POST',
data: {
action: 'update_lesson_select',
selected_course_id: selectedCourseId
success: function(response) {
var $lessonSelect = $('select[name="lesson_select"]');

if(response.success) {
// Add options to the lesson select
$.each(, function(index, option) {
$lessonSelect.append(new Option(option.label, option.value));
} else {
alert('Error: ' +;


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