So who has heard off and implemented ZSTANDARD COMPRESSION ?


I hear there is a new superior type of compression called Zstandard, (Zstd), it performs much better than either Brotli or Gzip.
Who among you have implanted this new compression standard ? And if so what have your results been ? (How much of a performance improvement have you seen ? )

It is now available on any of the paid cloudflare plans and I am exited to see how it plays out.

The nice thing about using it with cloudflare is that if it is not supported yet, it will fail back on Brotli, Gzip or uncompressed data.

  1. zstd is very much faster, however it does not generally compress as well. That’s the tradeoff. If you’re using it through a proxy like clownflare, then it can make your site slightly faster. If you’re using it to host static files, having them pre-compressed to a higher ratio is going to be better for you on the whole.

  2. Be aware it’s not “just another faster library”. It can be quick and provide very good compression, but from what I’ve seen it’s not necessarily as consistent as some other libraries. When I’ve used it in the past, for small data chunks (database records in this case) I’ve had to run sample data through it’s training algorithm to generate a dictionary, THEN compress the data, then store the dictionary with the dataset. Not sure if it’s evolved since then .. ? For streaming I’ve always used snappy, historically faster and less overhead, just less compression than “can” be achieved with zstd and a good dictionary.


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