First of all, I am reporting a non-functioning link in your plugin when it comes to syncing with booking.com: https://partnersupport.booking.com/hc/en-us/articles/213424709-How-do-I-export-my-calendar- this link does not direct anywhere no page appears.
The second issue is that the instructions found on the Internet do not quite follow your guidelines.
Yes it is possible to download a one-time .ics file and basically a link to the calendar from the extranet on booking.com, but this is a one-time situation and it is not possible to later update the calendar in the plugin after manually activating the synchronization and calendar. I.e. I do a sync on booking.com, create a connection, pass the link generated in booking.com to WP Booking Calendar and yes it loads but it is a one time process and to do another sync I have to create a new connection on booking to update new events from booking.com calendar
This is a very long process and there is no automation here.
Therefore, I would ask for your support on this topic and update the given instruction as it is incomplete and old when it is done currently.
How can I create a permanent connection from booking.com calendar to WP Booking Calendar ?
Likewise, if I export the booked dates from WP Booking Calendar to booking.com, won’t it make me delete the existing bookings on booking.com ?
Greetings and hoping for an answer.
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]