Haha, I know… I replied 😉 Sorry about this.
My primary reason to buy Pro would be an option to keep Mixed Case filenames when changing the title with sync on.
I think I mentioned it before, but I do not want to do this. In fact, nobody ever asked for it, it would increase the complexity of the code by too much (I know it seems small, but it isn’t, based on how I build it), and more importantly, it would cause numerous issues, mainly:
- Inconsistency Across Platforms: Different operating systems and servers treat filenames differently. Unix-based systems (like Linux or MacOS) are case-sensitive, while Windows is not. This means that ‘FileName’ and ‘filename’ would be considered the same file on Windows, but different files on Unix. This can cause issues if your website or application is moved between different systems.
- SEO considerations: Lowercase URLs are generally preferred for SEO purposes as search engines can potentially treat URLs with the same path but different cases as duplicate content, which can impact your site’s SEO performance.
There is also a big difference between how the static files are interpreted by the HTTP server and how they are interpreted by PHP and/or the system they are on. It could be an absolute nightmare, and I actually went through it many times in the past. Hence that limitation. Sorry, but I can’t add that option, otherwise other users will enable it thinking that it could be nice, and it would break installs.
It can not sync to the ALT tag in existing HTML markup.
That’s another difficult one; the HTML markup is generated by page-builders generally. In simple cases, it could work, but in a lot of cases, it would be very difficult and I would need to develop parsers for every plugin and page builders that use images, so update the ALT at the right place, or to trigger a reset of their internal caching system. I could add this feature in its simple form, and that would form for post that are written in simple ways (Gutenberg Blocks), but otherwise, it wouldn’t. I am afraid to open the doors to a huge lot of additional issues. I prefer to keep things simple and operational, and to say sometimes no even though; this is what developing plugins for 10y taught me 🙂
You can definitely use the filters I have built inside the plugin to do what you want though, you could try. You could even hire a developer to try to hack into this. You can make it work for your specific use cases. For me, implementing it in the core plugin, I would need to make sure it work for most cases, and that’s a huge challenge.