WordPress: 6.6.2, PHP:8.1.30, MC4WP: 4.9.17
Hello, I am using free version of MC4WP.
I have form with one input field (type=email) and Submit button. It is located at the bottom of the provided page: https://staging-6376-mielkidseub2b.wpcomstaging.com/
The website is developed in Russian, but all validation messages for input field are shown in English. I could not find any place where is it possible to translate those validation messages (nor in LoCo Translate nor in MC4WP –> Notifications section).
Could you advise please how can I translate those validations (to see those messages you need to enter invalid email address such as “asdasda” or “asdsadsa@” and press “Подписаться” (Submit) button
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]